It has been EXCITING times in our world. It’s been a busy week, and a few years working hard at changing our paradigm from one of greed and power to a new paradigm of love, peace and prayers. It can be hard to navigate the lies, the corruption, and the negativity, BUT then came the GLOBAL CLIMATE STRIKE and GLOBAL CLIMATE WEEK!
Young Greta Thunberg and all the youth all over the world are showing all of us; their elders, what they need and want. They are showing us what kind of world they want to grow up in. They are fighting to stop the pipelines, change emissions, keep the water sacred, protecting all Living Beings, and nothing short of saving Grandmother Earth in all ways imaginable. The list is endless! Many even threw in to stop gun violence. They want to live their lives safely and in peace!
We were blessed to be able to join 350 in Colorado, and will do so again this weekend to support them at the fracking sites and every other organization to save Grandmother Earth. You are all in this with us, we know. Each and everyone of you has a heart of gold, and such compassion, that your prayers are joining forces with everyone around the world to save Grandmother Earth. We are including a link to our live speech at the Denver Climate Strike that we were blessed to march and be a part of, because of the Indigenous Youth, leader, Thomas Lopez and his incredible family, who helped to organize. He honored us with that privilege. Download the video here.
We know that all of you are working hard each day to share your love, your compassion, your insight and intuition to support others you work with, and all the other Living Beings. We are so blessed that you all exist and that you are the lights that outshine the darkness and forces who think otherwise that we, the people, do not matter. You show people they matter everyday in your work, in your relationships, and in anyone’s lives that you touch. WE are proud to say we know you. We support you to continue in what you are doing and with that you thank you, and are grateful to you.
Creation is supporting us all, and world events in our country and abroad are unfolding where leaders will expose themselves and not be able to “UN-EXPOSE” themselves, and those who have been covering will be forced to wake up and forced to take stand, or the light will blind them trying to help them SEE!
It is a wonderful time to be alive to see such a coming together of all races, all people of all walks of life, all gender identifications; all asking and wanting collaboration with each other. We hope someday that we do not have to label ourselves, as it separates us from each other; and hope that one day we can just call ourselves HUMAN BEINGS!
We were so inspired by the youth, and by the other speakers.. it was so awesome! We ask you to join us in prayer to save our Grandmother Earth for the next 49 generations. Let’s pray so everyone can live with clean water, clean air, clean soil, clean food as medicine, and so we all can help heal ourselves, other Living Beings, heal our mistakes and the mistakes of our ancestors.
We wish you all answered prayers and wondrous weeks to come, and may you each be inspired by the youth that rally to teach us and ask for all our help to save the Grandmother Earth so they have a future.